Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas vacation

Here are some more pictures of all the fun...
I always wanted a phone!

"And then Mommy said..."

A watch for each wrist (he gave one to his cousin)

Celebrating 11 Pipers at Peter Piper's Pizza

New bike!

Family bike ride

Kayaking at the lake

baby at the beach

Learning about fish from a pro
This nice guy at the lake came over to show the kids his fish. They got to hold a striped bass and look at the gills. The boy in camo is the fisherman's son.

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas break!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas morning


Mom, where did you get these delicious things?

Enjoying a gift from brother, sewed with Mom's help

Clock maker at work


Boys with toys. Notice the baby snitching in the background.

Horses and princesses play together
Merry Christmas!
Here are photos from this morning. Hope you see all the smiles.
I also really enjoyed this nativity movie. Watch it while you're relaxing today.