Tuesday, August 09, 2011

I love homemade bread

My sister inspired me with a post about making bread. Well, I've been doing it more regularly lately. I will admit, I've joined the cult... and although it doesn't stay fresh as long, I am getting to the point where I just don't like store bread because it doesn't have that indescribable essence from freshly ground whole wheat.

So if you are curious, here is the recipe I use. It's a combination of my sister's and Chef Brad's.

Wheat Bread
Makes 5 loaves

6 cups water at 110 degrees
2/3 c oil
2/3 c honey or sugar
3 tbsp dough conditioner
2 tbsp salt
2 cups white flour
3 tbsp yeast
freshly ground whole wheat flour, enough to make a soft dough (maybe 10-12 cups, I don't count)

Add ingredients to mixer in order. Mix on low-medium speed for 8 minutes. Allow to rise once in a large bowl. Punch, rest dough 5-10 minutes. Form into loaves and put in pans. Rise again. Bake at 350 degrees for 28-30 minutes.

I freeze extra loaves as soon as they are cool and then I can pull out a "fresh" loaf when we need one.

Another recipe I have enjoyed lately include this one for pumpkin cake.

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